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Active Citizenship

Lapage Primary, a three form entry primary in Bradford has created a project, Active Citizenship, that embeds Social Action in every year of a child’s life in the school in a meaningful way.

This video funded by gives a snapshot of the Lapage Active Citizenship project which involves engaging every pupil to play an active role in improving others’ lives through Social Action and raising awareness about issues that affect people in their community and beyond.  It shows students from early years right through to Key Stage 2 who are given a broad range of experiences such as growing their own fruit and vegetables with the co-located Dixons Marchbank School, spending time learning and playing with students at Delius Special School, visiting Silverlea retirement home and raising funds and awareness for Childline with buns that they have made in school. Older students are involved in running a Fareshare food stall to avoid food waste and all 90 Year 4 pupils take part in the Bradford Schools Linking Programme supported by The Linking Network -a year long class to class link with three other schools so that pupils  enjoy working and socialising with children from very different communities in rural areas of the district.

‘Our Active Citizenship project  is part of our SMSC  vision; it equips our pupils  to be thoughtful, caring, and active citizens in school and in wider society.’ Shabana Khan – Head of School at Lapage Primary School and Nursery

Video co-ordinated by The Linking Network team in partnership with Lapage Primary and created by Ashley Karrell and team at Panoptical (www.panoptical.co.uk). The work to capture the work of the school was funded by the #iwill foundation. With thanks to Pears Foundation.

Case Study
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