Our leadership team

Hi All! My name is Mrs Naqvi, I am the Assistant Head for the Year 3 and the Year 4 team, I am also the class teacher of 3B.

My journey to teaching started a very long time – having younger siblings I took it upon myself to support them with their homework and reading. They made rapid progress and it was watching them excited about their achievements that made me feel so happy.

I knew then, this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I have always believed education is a gift and a privilege that everyone must have access to. As a teacher I can facilitate that process and make learning accessible through fun and engaging lessons for all children.

Over the years I have taught every age group I must admit I prefer KS2 because they get my jokes. I joined Lapage Primary school in 2012 and I have never looked back. The children, the parents and the staff at Lapage make this an amazing place to work and I feel privileged to be part of this community.

I have 2 children; we are a close family and enjoy going out for meals, movies and most of all travelling around the world.

Mrs Naqvi

Assistant Headteacher